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Our multi-disciplinary team helps employees and organisations navigate their way through complex health issues, to ensure workplace policies and protocols are implemented with integrity and sensitivity. Altius Group aims to minimise the impact of health issues in the workplace through understanding, assessment and effective, tailored solutions.
Our organisationally-trained psychologists use evidence based tools and strategies to help analyse an organisation’s culture. Our cultural review process includes multi-level analysis, achieving real outcomes at an individual, team and organisational development level.
Psychosocial Problems - We enhance recovery from primary physical injuries through an early intervention, cognitive behaviour therapy approach to help individuals overcome biopsychosocial barriers impacting on their return to work. Results of our pilot show at risk clients, who participated fully in the program, achieved a return to work in 62% of cases.
Our Functional Re-education and Empowerment Program responds to the growing need to support an increasingly ageing and injured workforce through positive and sustainable Return to Work and Pre-Injury Duties occupational health initiatives. The program’s key focus is training and education to reduce the risk of injury associated with workplace manual handling.
As experienced mediators, our registered psychologists prevent workplace tensions escalating into costly problems. We employ communication strategies, individual meetings and insights to bring together successful mediation interventions and agreements. Our professional, guided mediation service aims to resolve conflict and minimise the impact of relationship problems in the workplace.
We understand the psychological support that benefits organisations and their employees and have developed a suite of services to meet these needs. Our organisationally-trained, registered psychologists offer tailored support services to a wide range of organisations across Australia – at the employee, team and organisational level.
PGAP is an evidence-based program that aims to prevent or reduce the severity of disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions, depression, cancer and other chronic health conditions or injuries. It aims to reduce psychosocial barriers to rehabilitation, promote re-integration into life-role activities, increase quality of life and facilitate return to work.
Our PeopleSense psychologists combine their expertise with evidence based assessment tools to provide reliable feedback on an a worker’s current capacity for work in relation to their cognitive and psychological abilities.
PeopleSense by Altius provides psychological wellbeing checks, often required by employers to assess the wellbeing of their employees. These checks assess the psychological wellbeing of each employee and provide guidance to employers on strategies to improve the level of overall wellness.
Our Resilience Training strengthens an employee's capacity to cope with stress and adversity, or their ability to “bounce back”. We provide pragmatic strategies to help build a resilient workforce, able to manage their own mental health and support others, as part of our mental health education series.
Altius Group’s Return to Work Coordinator services make the return to work process easy for employers and employees. Combining allied health expertise with innovative technology solutions, we ensure workers are returned to work efficiently, responsibly and sustainably.
For workplace engagement - Our training empowers clients to shift their mindset, adopt positive attitudes and behaviours and improve their determination, to move from a pre-contemplative state of change. The Revive Program aims to engage, motivate and increase the confidence of clients to commence or resume vocational goal setting and seek new employment.
Pain and pain management is complex. Employees with a strong understanding of pain experience more positive recovery, return to work and pre injury duties outcomes. Empowering employees with pain understanding can also benefit workplaces by minimising fear avoidance at work and contribute to a reduction in absenteeism.
Our professional vocational assessments provide a solid foundation to help individuals navigate their future career or return to work direction. Through interviews and standardised assessments, we gather valuable information about an individual’s previous employment, education, achievements and interests - to analyse their aptitudes and abilities and establish their transferable skills.