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We work with a range of organisations to help minimise potential risks, hazards, and harm at work. This process involves reviewing effectiveness over time to continually improve measures and improve safety.
We approach our workplace risk assessments in a consultative way, demonstrating due diligence within your organisation. Our WHS consultants meet with you on-site to carry out a workplace risk assessment. As workers provide great insights on the nature of hazards experienced at work, we arrange to talk to key people as part of the risk assessment. We identify any sources or processes causing risks and report on how urgently action should be taken to control the hazard, improve safety, and we make suggestions for risk elimination or minimisation strategies.
Altius Group partners with organisations to develop psychologically safe workplaces, where team members feel accepted and respected. Our PeopleSense by Altius psychologists deliver a range of services to build and maintain psychologically safe workplaces from Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), mediation, and psychological risk assessments to organisational diagnostics and culture surveys.
We recommend starting with a baseline measure to form a plan for improvement. Establishing baseline data on workplace psychological wellbeing enables an organisation to develop an effective strategy to improve, or sustain, wellbeing into the future.
Our organisational and clinically trained psychologists carry out a gap analysis/risk assessment for psychological risk, where they review the workplace environment, practices and potential triggers.
Hazards or factors that can lead to psychological injury include:
PeopleSense by Altius has pioneered customised proactive approaches, in alignment with legislative requirements, to enable organisations to identify, measure, monitor and evaluate the psychological wellbeing of their workplace.
Our psychologists use a range of evidence-based methods and tools, tailored to the needs of a workplace, to gather this baseline psychological wellbeing data, including:
Our assessment always includes recommendations for improvement, action plans, and programs to ensure we drive behavioural change and improvement within organisations. Our WHS consultants collaborate with PeopleSense by Altius to develop wellbeing guidelines, responding to the findings from the Gap Analysis review. This includes working with organisations to develop a policy to minimise workplace psychological risk against best practice frameworks.
Alongside our workplace risk assessments, Altius Group offers a full range of workplace health and safety consulting services across Australia.