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The Mind Movement program, from PeopleSense by Altius, has been designed to support those who have suffered a physical or psychological injury to get back on their feet. The award-winning program provides psychological treatment to help individuals experiencing poor wellbeing, disability, or work disengagement post injury.
Screening individuals and offering early intervention to those at risk has been shown to be an effective strategy to mitigate the impact of a range of conditions, including traumatic events, acute back pain, traumatic brain injury, anxiety and depression.
Our psychologists are able to work with doctors, insurers and case managers to screen for, and identify, those who are most likely to be at risk of a slower than expected recovery. We are then able to intervene in psychological and physical treatment early to support an improved recovery.
We guide our clients through identifying how their emotions, behaviours, body and thought patterns are interconnected and can influence their health outcomes. Our psychologists are experienced in assisting individuals to move from a low level of functioning, through to thinking about reinvesting in their lives and preparing for employment – to taking the actions required to return to work and re-engage in life.
We’re highly skilled in the area of assisting individuals with chronic pain and illness with injury acceptance, trauma and providing high quality treatment within various schemes and systems.
The Mind Movement program understands that psychological injuries often occur secondary to physical injuries, and because of this we offer psychological treatment alone or with the support of other allied support.
For physical injures, our psychologists collaborate with Altius Group Exercise Physiologists who draw on their Recovery and Wellness Initiative (RAWI). This multidisciplinary approach helps the client to overcome physical health problems and reduced functioning often associated with a mental health disorder and adjustment to injury. The program also recognises the benefits of exercise as a mood enhancer and an effective antidepressant in treating mild and moderate depression.
Mind Movement was awarded ABA 100 Winner for Innovation in Service Delivery (2018). Program participants report improvements to their overall wellbeing, including increased general activity levels, social engagement and improvements to their mood. Participants achieved significant improvement in pre and post program scores across measures of depression, anxiety, stress (DASS-21) and measures of wellbeing.
The Mind Movement program is a Psychological Therapy that integrates treatments to provide a holistic client-centred care approach for individuals suffering from psychological disorders, such as PTSD, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Often clients with trauma (PTSD), traumatic injury and pain related issues experience both psychological distress and a decline in their physical health.
The Mind Movement program provides Psychological Therapy which is often combined with Exercise Physiology to address the many complex factors affecting the health of a person with an acquired injury.
Mind Movement is delivered through eight sessions with a psychologist via face to face appointments at one of our offices (we have offices nationally) or via Telehealth. When combined with Exercise Physiology, RAWI aims to commence within the initial phases of the program.
Organisations and general practitioners look to nominate appropriate claims for the Mind Movement Program under the following criteria:
Exclusions include:
People can benefit from the program if they have endured an injury and find they need more support to get back on their feet.
We recommend the program starts as they are nearing the sub-acute phase of their recovery, (three to six months post injury). In some cases, this may be longer. If you have multiple injuries or have experienced a traumatic mechanism of injury, then we recommend you commence the program earlier within your recovery journey.
The program is unique as treatment providers are able to align their goals with you and use treatment approaches from both psychology and exercise therapy to assist you with your recovery.
This integrated healthcare approach has shown beneficial results for a range of more complex presentations including trauma, depression, and pain related conditions.
Exercise Physiologists from the RAWI program meet with the client and the psychologist as part of their assessment to align treatment goals and review progress.
All therapy will be applied using a collaborative and strategic approach. Depending on the individual, a tailored Mind Movement Program may include such psychological treatment therapies as:
Some people experience a more complicated recovery from a Motor Vehicle Accident due to a range of biopsychosocial variables – which can prolong or prevent recovery. Factors such as complex legal processes, attribution of fault and a sense of injustice for victims can complicate recovery – there can be reduced participation in work, family and community.
It is estimated that the risk of Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) following a Motor Vehicle Accident is approx. 13-25%, with other estimates indicating for serious accidents – up to one third continue to suffer PTSD at one-year post injury and up to half experience depression at six months post injury.
Acquiring an injury via a traumatic method can increase the risk of developing comorbid PTSD and Chronic Pain. Unfortunately, when both conditions exist, they can be mutually reinforcing. Both conditions have been conceptualised under similar frameworks and can be treated. Ideally, those who are at risk of comorbid conditions are best screened and treated early.
The injured person needs to obtain a referral from their General Practitioner for the program which can be funded through Workers Compensation and Motor Vehicle Insurance Schemes. The program can also be attended privately or part-funded under a Mental health care plan.
The program starts with an initial consultation and assessment with the client’s Mind Movement psychologist, who aims to identify key challenges within their recovery and treatment. A treatment plan is then collaboratively set with the client and their other treating parties.
Before the program is finalised, the Mind Movement psychologist will review with the client strategies for self-management and maintenance.