Critical Incident Response

This is the phone number for a critical incident response only and goes direct to PeopleSense by Altius.

For Altius Group general enquires, please contact us or call us at 1800 258 487 during business hours.

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We offer job preparation, job search assistance and career development support, with a focus on helping persons with a disability, injury or health condition to obtain and maintain long-term employment.

We provide vocational support to help individuals navigate their future career or return to work direction. Through interviews and standardised assessments, we gather valuable information about an individual’s previous employment, education, achievements and interests - to analyse their aptitudes and abilities and establish their transferable skills.

Our specialists will also recommend re-training when deemed necessary to achieve an agreed goal. All our recommendations are realistic, supported by labour market research and tailored to the individual.

We have experience assisting clients with a range of challenges with job application support including help to develop a resume, interview training and support overcoming the challenges of applying for positions. Our team provides personalised job matching support to help individuals secure employment for the longer term.

CIM Employment supports job seekers through its Job Club – providing access to job searching resources and tailored job searching support. Our Job Seeker Portal connects job seekers to a wide variety of on-line job searching resources including training and education opportunities and community support resources.

We organise fully supported work experience placements to help job seekers obtain new skills and trial new work environments to assist with the long-term employment. To help job seekers upskill, we provide linkages to training providers, access to short courses and advice on further education options.

CIM Employment also offers job seekers assistance and support with developing a mental health support network, which can provide motivational assistance, help with personal goal setting and assistance with managing anxiety and depression. 

Our team of allied health professionals provide tailored physical health and well-being programs to help improve mobility and physical capability. We have developed health care programs to empower individuals to take care of their health and wellbeing, focusing on issues such as back care, nutrition and correct manual handling.

Job Seeker - Register Here