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John, in his 50s, is a self-employed electrician. He works 50-60 hours per week, including physically demanding tasks and administration responsibilities. John has always been fit and active, walking daily on the treadmill and regularly engaging in social community activities, including participating in a local bagpipes group.
Over two years ago, John was drilling a light fixing in an overhead position. John’s drill became locked into place and continued spinning whilst his right arm remained holding the drill. As a result, he was diagnosed with a full thickness tear to his right supraspinatus tendon and subacromial bursitis. In addition to this, he also developed tennis elbow due to a range of compensatory patterns.
John was determined to recover from the outset, keen to resume life and return to work. He needed more than just physical rehabilitation, he needed a functional recovery approach to help him return to work and to life without aggravating his right shoulder injury.
John experienced many of the challenges most injured workers with musculoskeletal injuries face:
The objective of referring John to OccHealth by Altius was to assist with his recovery through problem-solving, goal setting and developing a recovery plan to restore his life roles including work. OccHealth by Altius determined that John would benefit from the personalised Recovery and Wellness Initiative (RAWI) to support his recovery and to provide self-management strategies for John to regain control of his life.
Our team developed a biopsychosocial rehabilitative approach that enabled John to restore his confidence, function and safely return to work. This included:
The engagement, support and alignment of stakeholders combined with John’s determination and adherence to the self-management strategies provided through the program, this exceptional result is being sustained.
John is adhering to his goals by:
John’s General Practitioner noted the benefits of the RAWI in assisting John to re-gain control of his life:
“The RAWI program is a fantastic program which is exactly what John needed for his recovery. The weekly personalized support was paramount to John’s chances of a successful recovery and return to full-time work”.
For information about tailored return to work solutions please contact us.